Looking Back

A dear friend and fellow adoptive parent is aware of our struggles as we wait on the Lord to bring healing in the way I mentioned in my last post.  This friend emailed Mark and me today with an excerpt from the second page of John Newton's autobiography, "Out of the Depths."  So good. Looking Back For us, however, there is a time coming when our spiritual warfare will be finished, our perspective enlarged, and our understanding increased.  Then we will look back upon the experiences through which the Lord led us and be overwhelmed by adoration and love for Him!  We will then see and acknowledge that mercy and goodness directed every step.  We shall see that what we once mistakenly called afflictions and misfortunes were in reality blessings without which we would not have grown in faith.  Nothing happened to us without a reason.  No problem came upon us sooner, pressed on us more heavily, or continued longer than our situation required.  God, in divine grace and wisdom, used our many afflictions, each as needed, that we might ultimately possess an exceeding and eternal weight of glory, prepared by the Lord for his people.